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I hereby register bindingly for the 2nd International Germany Cup for the Blind and Visually Impaired from May 29th - June 1st, 2025.


Registration deadline: March 31, 2025


By registering for this event, the participant agrees to the processing of personal data relevant to the competition for organizational reasons, stating name, club name, association affiliation, age, class, competition name, start number, start times and results achieved. He also consents to the publication of the start and result lists, as well as the creation and publication of photos in notices, on the Internet, in social media and in other publications. Due to the organizer's legitimate interest in these result lists as well as photos of the competition and/or winners' podium for the purpose of documenting or promoting the sport to the public, participants have no right to have their personal data deleted from these result lists or photos, even retrospectively. which were made and published in connection with the competition.

Mit * markierte Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden.

Member of the German Shooting Association or a member association of the ISSF:* 
I shoot:* 
I am going to bring:* 
I ask that you allocate a training time on:  
I transferred the entry fee of 25.00 euros / 10.00 euros per start to the following account:* 
I would like to be classified (fee: EUR 50.00)  
I accept the conditions of participation:* 
data protection* 


Mit dem Absenden der Daten erkläre ich mich einverstanden, dass die von mir eingegebenen Daten zur weiteren Verarbeitung elektronisch gespeichert werden.

Besucher: 799